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OluKai x Domino's

OluKai is a Hawaiian shoe brand with a mission to preserve native Hawaiian culture.


Tapping into the cultural debate of Hawaiian pizza, which is not Hawaiian at all, we'll use "Fake" Hawai'i to advocate for Real Hawai'i.

Spec work

Phase 1

Generate buzz with a social media scrub.


Phase 2

On International Hawaiian Pizza Day, we take a stand on the hot-topic debate—pineapple on pizza—by canceling it.


Phase 3

See what happens.


Phase 4

Later, we bring back Hawaiian pizza and launch Pizza For Paradise limited-edition OluKai and Domino's Pizza merch.

dominos redone tweet.png
Art Direction: Self, Van Leigh Armer
Copywriting: Kathryn Worrall
Animation & Edit: Self
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